It has made me think of the outpouring of support I've gotten during all of this.
Whether it has been via cards, compression socks, kids drawings, stuffed animals, prayer shawls, sour straws, cuddly/soft things to use, flowers, gift cards, or well wishes via the blog, facebook, or via phone/text, please know how much your generosity and care has meant. This journey has been exciting, scary, joyful, lonely, fulfilling, and frustrating all wrapped into one. Seeing the support from people from all different parts of my life - literally from elementray school, high school, college, living in Seattle, living in RI, the camps I have worked at, and from now living in NC has been amazing. When I was stuck in the hospital by myself, seeing how many people were wishing me well and that they cared enough to do something to let me know really helped to keep my spirits up. Talking to and texting with so many of you has helped me feel connected. I truly, truly could not have done this without your support. I tried to get a photo of all the things that folks have send/given us. Speaking of gifts, today we recieved a random package - if you sent us a panini press, thank you and please let us know who you are! (there was no note). To everyone, thank you!
wow, a pannini press in the mail. that is great. It is good to see you and your pillow. You have a puppy, what a great love that is. i think of you often.