Then we turned on the song from our first dance, Feelin' Good by Micheal Buble, and we shared a dance in the kitchen. We have danced a few times post transplant, but this is the first time Peter didn't have to be careful with me and I was not sore from the pulling or movement. This was exciting, as I am not noticing the improvements as easily nowadays since things have evened out. I can't wait to be even stronger, and to eventually be able to swing dance again - both lindy hop and blues! Of course, it will be some time until that is safe in a crowd because of covid, but at least Peter and I can practice.
It is also our two year Anniversary of owning our first home. When we were looking, we had gone back and forth between one story and two story houses. We both really like having two stories, but I had wanted a one story one knowing that transplant was probably coming soon. I am really glad we picked this house, both in that it is one story, and because it has so many different spaces we can be in. I think that if we had less space Peter and I might be getting in each others hair a little too much during quarantine.
This week was a good week. I had my second cardiac rehab on Monday, and it was a little better than last time. The person I worked with was more stringent about wiping down machines, and she had me do a lot more - a total of 35 minutes of exercise, 20 of it pushing myself. Since Peter isn't allowed to come in, he brought his work computer to set up in the car, and went to get coffee. He picked me up a bagel and cream cheese so I had something to eat when I got done, which helped. I then went home and worked for a few hours, had lunch, took a nap, and then got in a few more hours of work. It was my most productive work day yet, and if felt good.
I've started pushing myself a little more this week, and am working on getting my endurance up in terms of working and exercise. I still have days that I feel more "fuzzy" and it is hard to concentrate, but they seem to be getting to be fewer and further between. I am starting to think about what I would be doing, 3 months out, if there was no quarantine, and get more on a schedule to take that into account. As I'm doing more I am needing a rest/nap in the afternoon, usually around 1/1:30, but my team said they would rather I push some and need the nap then not push.
My body is still healing a little, but its getting closer to being not sore, at least my chest area. Once it gets to that point I think I will be able to relax a little more and feel more comfortable with moving more. I have lifted slightly heavy things without a problem, which is good.
When I had my last open heart surgery, I remember that at some point, within a week, I really "turned a corner" and went from being more frail to more strong. I don't think the same process is working here, but looking back a few weeks I think I have turned at least part of the corner. Talking to one of my friends who had a heart transpalnt a few years ago, he said he still needs naps at times, so I'll just have to take that in stride.
While I'm worried about covid and it has thrown a wrench into a lot of our early plans, I'm also grateful at being able to be home and work from home, and being able to have Peter work from home so he is here if I need anything. Please stay safe everyone - wear a mask around others, if you are going to be around other people try to do it outdoors and socially distance/mask, and stay vigilant. We are not through covid, which is surging here in NC and other places, and I think its been easy to get lulled into thinking things are better.
Looking forward to when we can be around others, and hoping that covid dies down so we can enjoy attending the weddings of a handful of our friends and family who are getting married some time in the future (two have had to be rescheduled already). I cherish our wedding memories, and hope that our loved ones get to have the experience they want, and the love and support we felt 4 years ago.
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